Love Right® is Empowering Caregivers
We’ve all heard this at least once in our lives, and its safe to say “we are happier when we’re doing what we love”, but what about when we lack freedom? When we’re restricted, confined & limited, we’re left feeling mad, stressed, as well as hopeless. The owners of Love Right Home Care Referral Agency, life-long caregivers themselves, knew there was a better way. They created this platform by empowering caregivers with skill & experience, importantly to help them gain the freedoms to continue doing the work they love without restrictions.
Experienced Caregivers
They’re all around us. They are timely, responsible, also LOVING individuals. Independent Experienced Caregivers are compassionate, also hardworking people that dedicate their time to caring for others. They are also parents, children & spouses, balancing a rewarding career with their personal life. Most of them are independent, because working as an employee of an agency restricts their career development, furthermore their pay.
Having Freedom and Control
- Freedom in the caring market place is important for both caregivers and clients. First, caregivers choose their preferred schedule. Caregivers are able to set their availability to a time that works for them, therefore they can: schedule appointments, child care, or classes. This ensures they’re less stressed and able to accomplish personal commitments, despite a heavy work load.
- Travel distance and transportation limits are also decided by the caregiver. Caregivers choose distances and areas they are comfortable traveling to, and Love Right locates clients in their area,
- Negotiations is one of the biggest freedoms! Caregivers are able to negotiate their own hourly/job rates to match each specific job as they see appropriate. Gone are agency restrictions and minimum wage rates. Experienced caregivers negotiate their fair, living wage for the services and expertise they provide.
- Client type. Caregivers have the freedom to choose what type of clients they’re able to work with and services they provide! What personality traits does the caregiver best align with? Does the caregiver have a specialty in Dementia, or do they enjoy immersing their client into the community? Love Right’s matching system ensures clients and caregivers will thrive together.
The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me.
Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life
~ Mark Twain
Clients Benefit from Empowering Caregivers
Caregivers are not the only party benefiting from these freedoms, in addition the clients can feel the difference immediately. With manageable travel, caregivers are able to arrive to their client on time, generally more relaxed and ready to assist their client. Caregivers compensated fairly are: happier, and more loyal to their clients, besides showing an unmatched dedication in the field. Costs are competitive and most often lower, as well as the fact of no task restrictions.
Independent Caregivers are Flourishing
Domestic Referral Agencies are empowering caregivers by offering an incredible edge in the home care world. With the freedom to work how they choose, where they choose, for how much they choose, therefore they’re building their clientele exponentially. To some, this is the next step to starting their own agency. Some experienced caregivers go on to get nursing degrees and become limitless in their achievements.
Caregiver Standards
When being matched with client referrals through Love Right Home Care Referral agency, there are several standards our platform upholds:
- 2 Years of Verifiable Paid, Professional Caregiving Experience (OR 1 year as a licensed C.N.A. or HHA)
- CPR/First Aid Certification
- TB Clearance or Chest X-ray
- Background check and Clean Drug Screen
- Driver’s License & Driving Documents if offering transportation
- Effective communication and organization are key skills in experienced caregivers. Independent caregivers maintain their licenses and certifications, ensuring they are active and qualified to receive client referrals. In return, Caregivers have the freedom to keep doing what they love, in a way that works for them.
Does this sound like the freedom you’ve been looking for? Please submit an Online Registration Application HERE.
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