1. “Caregivers – Let the winds of change set you gently where you belong.”
-Love Right™
If you’re a family caregiver or a professional caregiver the fact remains that life can change in a moment, because Stress can seem to push you in uncomfortable ways. It’s important to adapt and overcome.
2. “Caregivers – Just Love. Use Love while making every decision, you will not be disappointed.”
-Love Right™
We always suggest using Love in every situation, good or bad. When you let love guide your decisions, you’ll end up right where you need to be. We’re speaking from experience.
3. “Caregivers – You’re unique, you’re significant, you’re worthy, you’re spectacular, because you’re LOVE in action.”
-Love Right™
Caregivers, you’re a diamond in a sea of stones. We know you to be the best hearts around. Please remind yourselves of how worthy you are of great things. You represent Love and compassion in action, you’re walking the proverbial walk.
4. “Caregivers – Mix in pinches of passion to your daily ritual to stay fulfilled.”
-Love Right™
We cannot begin to tell you how important it is to add passion to your daily routine. Caregiver have a tendency to worry about their own needs last, if at all. It’s amazing to maintain focus on the ones we care for, but not at the expense of your own happiness.
The Take-Away
Caregiving is a lot of things: fulfilling, hard work, exhausting, heartwarming, mentally taxing, painful, selfless, time consuming, 24/7, and Motivating. Every caregiver will want to quit at some point, it comes along with the job. I guess if it was easy, there wouldn’t be a shortage of family caregivers in the US. Despite the care situation you’re currently experiencing, we want to share some motivation with you, Monday and every day moving forward. You’re strong, you’re loved and we want you to know how much we love you. Stick with it, because the reward it great. Here’s to you on Motivation Monday, cheers!
If you’re a family caregiver and you’re showing signs of burnout/exhaustion, ask for support from family first. If family lives too far or works too often, call us to schedule a No Obligation CAREConsult™ with a Love Right™ Care Service Representative. We can help!
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